EU-LAS translations

This page lists the publications and documents that have been translated into Arabic in the framework of the European Union (EU) – League of Arab States (LAS) Project. For more Small Arms Survey publications in Arabic, visit the Resource Library.


Small Arms Survey publications

An Introductory Guide to the Identification of Small Arms, Light Weapons, and Associated Ammunition

Edited by N.R. Jenzen-Jones and Matt Schroeder     |     Handbook     |     November 2018

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Beyond State Control: Improvised and Craft-produced Small Arms and Light Weapons

By G. Hays and N.R. Jenzen-Jones     |     Report     |     November 2018

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Estimating Global Civilian-held Firearms Numbers

By Aaron Karp     |     Briefing Paper     |     June 2018

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Ways Forward: Conclusions of the Small Arms Symposia

Edited by Glenn McDonald     |     Briefing Paper     |     June 2018

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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From Legal to Lethal: Converted Firearms in Europe

By Nicolas Florquin and Benjamin King     |     Briefing Paper     |     April 2018


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Life-cycle Management of Ammunition (LCMA): Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Jovana Carapic and Paul Holtom     |     Briefing Paper     |     April 2018

Available in ARABIC, ENGLISH and BCMS

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Arms Control 2.0: Operationalizing SDG Target 16.4

By Glenn McDonald     |     Briefing Paper     |     October 2017

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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A Guide to the UN Small Arms Process: 2016 Update

By Sarah Parker with Marcus Wilson     |     Handbook     |     June 2016


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Behind the Curve: New Technologies, New Control Challenges

By Benjamin King and Glenn McDonald     |     Occasional Paper     |     February 2015

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Small Arms Survey 2008, Risk and Resilience, Comic strip: Adventures of a Would-be Arms Dealer

Yearbook     |     June 2008

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Other publications

Illicit Trade Report 2021 – Section 7: Security

By World Customs Organization     |     2021

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Illicit Trade Report 2019 – Section 6: Security

By World Customs Organization     |     2019

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Illicit Trade Report 2018 – Section 6: Security

By World Customs Organization     |     2018

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Ammunition Safety Management: Preventing Loss of Life and Property, and Diversion from Stockpiles

By Samuel Paunila and Andrew Hoole (GICHD)     |     Counter-IED Report     |     Winter 2015-2016

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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Physical Security and Stockpile Management: Lessons Learned from Ivory Coast

By Goran Tomasevic and Mark Dickson (The HALO Trust)     |     Counter-IED Report     |     Autumn 2015

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/38 of 15 January 2021 Establishing a Common Approach on the Elements of End-User Certificates in the Context of the Export of Small Arms and Light Weapons and their Ammunition

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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EU Council Directive 91/477/EEC of 18 June 1991 on Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Weapons (‘Firearms Directive’), as amended in 2017

Available in ARABIC and ENGLISH

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